Total Blasting


As a leading supplier of Water Jetting equipment and technology, we realize the importance of optimizing the operation of the equipment we represent. With this in mind, we have invested in a world-class training facility. Affiliated both the WJTA (Water Jetting Technology Association) and the WJA (Water Jetting Association), Total Blasting ensures the correct safety and training standards associated with Water Jetting.

We offer an array of both theory and practical courses covering all aspects of Water Jetting. All courses adhere to the International Best Practice Water Jetting Standards and our Trainers are accredited with international affiliations.

We can either offer on site training or we can offer training at our facility.

Anton Leimecke who has over 15 year of Water Jetting experience runs all courses. Anton has worked with an array of Water Jetting applications and has international and domestic exposure. He is one of the few Water Jetting Instructors with international accreditation. 

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